Monday, October 19, 2009

An Oasis in the City

After spending most of my day on school work yesterday my partner suggested a nature walk through Westminster Ponds. What a great way to restore one's soul at the low, rock bottom price of....why...nothing, nothing at all! Hours spent on students' progress reports and Individual Education Plans melted away into the abyss of forgotten time as we walked in brilliant fall sunshine through rustling leaves, changing colours, bird song and and landscapes fit for a movie screen.

Imagine the adventures you could get up to in this setting - rafting along the surface of the pond while keeping one eye out for crocodiles and water snakes!

Surviving on a diet of nuts and berries...

Lying on a bed of plant fluffies....

Seeking shelter under a roof thatched with gold and orange boughs...

Now, back to the GRIND.....sigh...

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