Monday, May 11, 2009

Getting There

It was a cold and windy weekend in Bayfield, Ontario, but the beauties of nature were still on display, although looking like they'd prefer to go inside somewhere warm. Lake Huron was a sea of white-capped waves and I didn't feel the least bit inclined to stick my toe in.

So I stayed away from the water's edge, and explored the mighty deposits of driftwood and multitudes of other sundry items - from huge fish skeletons to tiny, bright green baby shoots bravely thrusting their tenderness towards the unfriendly skies.

I loved the S-shape of this pile of driftwood and decided that pictures don't always have to align themselves to the horizon and are more visually interesting if you take away the usual perspective. What do you think?

Don't you just want to scoop up these brave little green beginnings and protect them from the fearsome forces of nature? Such hope is embodied in their optimistic upwards thrusting towards a sun still cold and untrustworthy. Hold strong - your time is coming!

I placed this gnarled, hairy little piece of debris on a bleached-white log not realizing I was also capturing the journey of some wood-boring creature - a happy accident!

Although an icy-cold wind was blasting these furry little blossoms I feel that their exuberance at being released from the long winter's grasp is firmly achieving the upper hand.

"Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don't claim them. Feel the artistry moving through, and be silent."

Rumi, 13th c. philospher, theologian, poet and teacher.


  1. That debris on the white log looks like a gator! We have a state park not too far from where I live that's loaded with alligators.

    Nice pictures..that 's' one is neat.I didn't notice at first it was at an angle until I saw the water! Been a long day I guess!

  2. These photos are like professional. Great job !


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